Finding Summer Internships for High School Students

7 min to read
A high school student looking up internships on laptop


认为实习是大学生的专利是一种普遍的误解. While it’s true that most college students complete at least one internship, recently internships for high school students are becoming more popular, 尤其是那些计划毕业后直接进入职场的学生. 

“一些高中鼓励学生在三年级和四年级完成实习,” a 2022 article from U.S. News & World Report says. 曾经是大学生寻找就业市场入口的范围, 高中实习更注重经验和学习,而不是获得全职工作, education experts say. 它们让学生能够探索未来几年才会出现的研究领域和职业选择.” 

And, believe it or not, 考虑高中生暑期实习的时间最早可以在9月或10月开始.  

Likely, there are engaging student internships available both in-person and online, 在学生获得高中文凭之前找到一份实习工作比你想象的要容易, especially for students enrolled in a Connections Academy-supported school.

A student researching internships for high school students online.

How to Find Online Internships for High School Students

你可以从网上搜索高中生的实习机会开始. Job search sites like or, 学生可以搜索“实习”加上任何他们感兴趣的领域,并将搜索范围缩小到他们想要工作的地方. 或者他们可以使用通用搜索引擎搜索他们感兴趣的组织名称加上“实习”.” (See below for several resources with internship listings.)  

如果你的学生在找一份合适的实习工作时遇到了困难,他们可能需要发挥创造力. 想想他们想要什么样的工作或者他们想要提高的技能, 然后试着在社区里寻找提供这种工作的人和地方. If your student is interested in business, for example, 他们可能想提高自己的软技能,比如时间管理或口头沟通, by working with a local entrepreneur to get first-hand experience. 

Internship-seekers may want to make a list of their interests, talents, and passions, both in and outside of their studies, like video games, street art, 或者制造机器人来帮助他们缩小可能感兴趣的潜在实习机会. 

“Play to your strengths,” Pierre Huguet, CEO and co-founder of H&C Education, a college admissions consultancy, told U.S. News & World Report. “你的实习应该是一个机会,去探索你真正感兴趣的东西,而这些东西在学校里学不到. With a little creativity, 你总能找到一种方法,在你的才能和激情的交叉点上追求令人印象深刻的项目.”   

Once students have their list of their interests and skills, they should reach out to extended family, friends, teachers, and coaches, their networks on social media... 询问是否有人知道在哪里可以找到高中生实习机会,或者他们是否愿意在夏天接受专业指导.  


But before students start asking for an internship, they first need to be ready to explain what they can offer.   

What You’ll Need to Get an Internship in High School

学生们可以通过制作“电梯演讲”来为自己的暑期实习做准备,” a resume, and interview skills.

Elevator Pitch

“电梯游说”是一段简短的演讲——通常和乘坐电梯的时间一样长, 或者用30秒左右的时间介绍学生是谁,以及他们在技能方面能为未来的雇主提供什么. 有一个一般的介绍和一个或多个针对特定实习或工作类型的定制演讲是很方便的. Students should practice their pitches before interviewing to get feedback. 


A resume 一个人的经验和资格的总结是否与他们申请的工作相关, typically on a single page. 

A basic resume consists of the applicant’s name and contact information, education, then in reverse-chronological order (most recent first), work experience, including volunteer work, extracurricular activities, and any awards or accolades, like being named to the honor roll.  

Interview Skills

When interviewing, students should: 

  • Dress in clean, modest, professional clothes. 

  • 带上两份简历,以防面试官没有,这样他们可以在参考简历的时候阅读. 

  • Take a pad and pen to take notes. 

  • Arrive about 15 minutes early with their cellphone off or silenced. 

  • Present a positive attitude and enthusiasm for the job. 

  • Treat the interview like a conversation—answer the interviewer’s questions, but also have some of their own prepared, 例如,推荐正规买球平台工作职责的额外细节,以及当前或即将进行的项目或计划.  

  • When finishing, thank the interviewer for their time.


Where to Find Internships for High School Students



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