Could Remote Learning Be a More-Convenient Alternative to Home Schooling?

A Learning Coach and student working together in their home classroom. 

Brick-and-mortar school isn’t always the best option for all learners. 实现灵活性, 父母的参与, or academic freedom that some families want from their children’s school, the two most common alternatives available are online public or private school and homeschooling. 

然而, not all families can commit to homeschooling full-time for the full length of their child’s academic career. 对时间成本的担忧, 财务需求, and the quality of education that comes with homeschooling lead many families to turn instead to the convenience of online school. 

Why Would My Family Consider Remote Learning over Brick-and-Mortar School?

There are a few reasons why brick-and-mortar school might not be a good fit for your family.

Some major reasons brick-and-mortar schools don’t work for every student are:

  • 由于课外活动而安排冲突

  • 精神紊乱或身体状况  

  • 家长希望更多的参与

  • 经常旅行或搬家

  • 课程节奏与学生的学习速度不一致


与实体学校相比, online school has most of the same benefits families interested in homeschooling look for while often being much more convenient for families than homeschooling alone.  

Multiple students in different grade levels can be taught at the same time.

当在家教育, families can often struggle with educating students who are at different academic levels or in different grades. It can be difficult to keep up with the lessons of a sixth grader while also trying to help a kindergartener to learn to read. 

在网上学校, students of different grade levels can focus on their lessons directly, leaving 护理人员 in the position of keeping their students on track. 如果一个家庭有多个孩子, online school can make sure each student is performing at the level that is right for them. 


Both online school and homeschooling provide increased opportunities for families to get involved in their child’s education, 但是有了网络学校, 护理人员, 或者另一个值得信任的成年人, 可以作为学生的学习教练参与其中吗. 别和老师搞混了,老师 学习教练提供支持, encouragement, and motivation, but does not teach the actual lessons.

在家上学时,父母通常是老师. 他们计划、发展并教导孩子. This means that parents have complete control over the curriculum and schedule for learning. 然而, 规划和教授课程, 然后评分工作是一个重要的时间承诺. Additionally, parents must teach subjects they aren’t always qualified to teach. 

也, online school can be a good choice for 护理人员 who want the convenience of not having to brush up on twelfth-grade Calculus or eighth-grade World History. 如果一个在家上学的家庭担心 教授他们不熟悉的科目 在达到一定的年级水平之后, online school can reduce the academic burden on parents and 护理人员 because state-certified teachers still provide lessons, 课程, 对学习者的支持. Learning Coaches simply keep their child on track and focused on their learning.

Students can enjoy the freedom to learn at their own pace.

Some students move at a different pace than the standard established in brick-and-mortar schools. Remote learning at an online public or private school allows students to move faster or slower, 取决于他们的需要. It is much simpler for students to take specific classes at their level, such as earning college credits through  AP®* courses or taking course recovery summer courses.

Students in online school graduate with an accredited high school diploma.

在完成他们的大四之后, online students receive an accredited high school diploma from a state-certified school, just like they would if they went to a public or private, 实体高中. 学分也可以在学校之间转移, so a student in the fourth grade transferring to a new school can stay in the fourth grade, 通常不需要进行评估测试. 也, an accredited high school diploma ensures a student’s education will be accepted by colleges and employers in the future. 


当在家教育, families must pay for (or create) their own curriculum and buy all the necessary educational supplies. 与此同时, 像Connections学院这样的公共在线学校, 学费和课程都完全免费, 就像传统的公立学校一样. This makes online school much more affordable than homeschooling.

在线学校的好处vs. 自主学习

If the time and cost commitment of homeschooling isn’t a good fit for your family, online school might be a fantastic alternative that brings all the benefits of at-home learning, like more flexibility and direct involvement in the student’s education, with the accreditation and access to certified teachers of brick-and-mortar schools. If you’re interested in exploring online school options for your family, you can 现在请求更多信息.

*AP® and Advanced Placement® are registered trademarks of the College Board. 经许可使用.  

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